Is the design engraved?

The designs on our FLASK and BOTTLE products are engraved. However, the design on our glass products are either screen printed or digitally printed.

Engraving is a process in which the surface material of the vessel is cut and removed. When we first developed our glass products, we engraved designs on the surface of the glasses. Like many of our customers, we thought that engraving was preferable because the design would stay on the glass forever. However, as our business expands, we find that engraving is not the preferred option. The extensive coverage of our designs on the glass surface means that the engraving has to be done on a large surface area of the drinking glass. Removing a relatively large amount of surface material from the glass negatively impacts its structural integrity. This makes the glass less safe for daily use.

Today, all of our designs are printed on the drinking glass surface. The print will stay on the glass in normal hand washing or dishwashing cycles.

Are NARBO glasses dishwasher safe?

Yes, our glasses and the printed designs are dishwasher safe. We created our first printed map glasses back in 2018 and the graphic still has not come off. We have sold thousands of glasses since 2018, and our customers are happy about our products.

If you find that your NARBO glass does not live up to your expectations, please do not hesitate to contact us. Making customers happy is our first priority.

If you have any additional question, send us an email!